
libidinal energy造句

"libidinal energy"是什么意思   


  1. Lyotard claims that this is due to libidinal energy.
  2. Freud saw the early cathexis of objects with libidinal energy as a central aspect of human development.
  3. It is supposed to concentrate the world's free-floating orgone, or universal libidinal energy, in the sitter.
  4. But this disinvestment allows the griever to use libidinal energies on other, possibly new attachments, so it provides a valuable function.
  5. However, it needs to be emphasized that this libidinal investment of the self is not merely derived from an instinctual source of libidinal energy.
  6. It's difficult to find libidinal energy in a sentence. 用libidinal energy造句挺难的
  7. It conceded the point in 1950 in an addendum to its Second Edition, when it added cathect as a verb meaning " to invest with libidinal energy ."
  8. An example was his discovery of the transitive verb cathect, derived from the Freudians'term cathexis, which was used to describe the notion of an investment of libidinal energy.
  9. McCoy has blood-letting instruments, vision enhancers and one of Wilhelm Reich's original orgone energy accumulator boxes, metal-lined containers the doctor said would capture free-floating orgone, or libidinal energy.
  10. The diversion of libidinal energy toward the consumption of consumer products, he argues, results in an addictive cycle of consumption, leading to hyper consumption, the exhaustion of desire, and the reign of symbolic misery.
  11. In addition, the game produces a revitalization of the community through the symbolic release of libidinal energy, which can be redirected ( sublimated ) into academic achievement and, more specifically in this case, victory on the football field ."
  12. Bernays'vision was of a utopian society in which individuals'dangerous libidinal energies, the psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives that Bernays viewed as inherently dangerous given his observation of societies like the Germans under Hitler, could be harnessed and channeled by a corporate elite for economic benefit.
  13. However, there also can be no intensities or desires without structures, because there would be no dream of escaping the repressive structures if they do not exist .  Libidinal energy comes from this disruptive intervention of external events within structures that seek order and self-containment . " This was the first of Lyotard's writings that had really criticized Marxist view.
  14. While Marcuse had in general " complained only of the tyranny of genital sexuality " and suggested that " the pregenital libidinal had to be reactivated in a nonrepressive civilization ", Brown maintained that the pregenital organizations were " just as tyrannical as adult sexuality " and that the earlier organization of libidinal energy into oral, anal, phallic syndromes was " as foreign to the undifferentiated eroticism of early infancy " as genital sexuality.
  15. The answer may lie in sexuality in a  narcissistic reservoir of libido . . . [ that is ] desexualized Eros .  This process of desexualization occurs, according to Freud, when libidinal energy passes from the id ( its origin ) into the ego which ( through a process called  sublimation ) abandons the original sexual aims and utilizes the energy to fuel thought and self-interested motility ( 62 ).
  16. A fount of libidinal energy and rampant orality, Mostel not only chews the scenery and devours the lens but kisses everything in range, not least the manuscript of " Springtime for Hitler . " ( In another turn of phrase credited to the movie, Bialystock gazes out of his dirt-encrusted office window and, spying a white limo below, longingly screams, " Flaunt it, baby, flaunt it ! ")


  1. "libid"造句
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  5. "libidinal energies"造句
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  7. "libidinal object"造句
  8. "libidinally"造句
  9. "libidinized"造句
  10. "libidinous"造句

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